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Let’s analyse an important physical aspect that has not changed over time: the menstrual cycle, which regularity indicates in general a good and therefore healthy body metabolism. Periods of energy crisis at physical and mental level impact on our stability and therefore on our health, just like our basic constitution (Prakriti).

Ayurveda describes the types of people and metabolic disorders according to three Energy Fields: Vata, Pitta, Kapha (doshas) that regulate the functioning of our body. Their possible various combinations can also be found at gynecological tract level.

In girls the menstrual cycle is a time of great energy shift, as the secretion of hormones begins to manifest itself in its full maturity. At this time of transformation, if there are imbalances in the Energy field, irregular menstruation, pain in the pelvic area, strong mood swing and irritability may appear. If these symptoms occur we suggest eating easy to digest food. According to Ayurveda you should exclude foods such as: banana, yoghurt, nervine drinks like coffee and carbonated drinks or alcohol. You should also make sure you always free your bowles, especially in pre-menstrual days.

To help rebalance the body we suggest taking ayurvedic preparations like: Graham Virya® to help remove spasms, Pushpan Virya® to assist the natural cycles of hormone secretions and Meha Virya® if there is an excess of water retention. Finally, in case of tension or stress Cittam Virya® helps to find serenity.

To allieviate a related problem such as juvenile acne, Kapha, Tejas and Vilayanam Virya® stimulate the purification of the blood, restoring a luminous and velvety complexion.