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cambio di stagioneThe shift from a hot-torrid summer to

the autumn season is always problematic

for our body and mind.


Cystitis, stomach burns, anxiety, irritability, afte, severe menstrual pain, semi-flues, back pain may appear

From the Ayurvedic point of view, the summer heat increases our Pitta (Fire) Dosha Energy Field, altering it excessively. This can result in a warm build-up in the abdomen, especially in the pelvic area, but also in all other body tissues.

According to Ayurveda:

Every change is movement and movement is adjusted according to Ayurveda, by the Vata Energy Field (Aria) present both inside our body and outside in the environment. It happens that the “toxins”, predominantly derived from poorly digested food, which are present in our body are moved, causing disorders of various types especially linked to excess Pitta.

If you want to prevent these disorders so as to maintain your psycho-physical energy in an optimum state, small changes to your diet are enough:


  • For at least 1 week follow a vegetarian diet, that is only eat semi-integral grains (rice, pearl barley, buckwheat, millet), legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas, cicerchia), vegetables and fruits.
  • The food used must be fresh or dry (legumes and oilseeds), that is, not frozen, in a can, or precooked by industry.
  • You will have to consume the amount of cooked food within 24 to 36 hours of preparation so that it can give you its maximum energy, otherwise for Ayurveda the food will subtract energy instead of providing it.
  • Eat seasonal vegetables and fruits that have all the qualities to help you in this seasonal shift. Yellow pumpkin is a great refreshing and cleansing of the intestine, just like mushrooms, onion, garlic, chicory, beetroot, red chicory, celery, …
  • Do not forget grapes, that have a draining effect, the pomegranate rich in antioxidants, plums, apples, figs, raspberries.
  • According to Ayurveda all the food should be cooked with many spices and herbs except for chili, to stimulate the Digestive Fire (Agni) and therefore make it possible to digest all foods properly.
  • You can find many, easy and quick recipes on our website
  • Better avoid the following, even if they are vegetables: coffee, industrial fruit juices, wine, beer, bananas and all exotic fruit, chocolate, ice cream, yogurt.
  • To improve the digestive activity of the liver and to purify it, I would recommend the Jathara Virya® tablets. The ready-made Virechan Virya® decoction is advised to facilitate the elimination of the heat and acidity of the intestine.cambio di stagione disturbi