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curcumaRecent laboratory studies on Turmeric have shown that it has anti-tumour properties, because it can block the action of an enzyme considered responsible for developing several types of cancer. It should be stressed that Turmeric has been part of the therapeutic habits of Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine for over 5000 years.

It is a South Asian wild plant, used in the Middle Eastern and South-East Asian cuisine and is the main ingredient of curry. Of Turmeric we know 80 species, the most widely used in food and in herbal medicine is Curcuma longa. The fresh rhizome, with its beautiful orange colour is also used as a dye for fabrics and gives that nice orange colour to the robes of the Sannyasin (the “renouncer”, those who dedicate themselves completely to the spiritual search), which symbolises purity of mind.

Turmeric has always been known for its purifying, choleretic, (stimulating the production of bile) and cholagogue action (favours emptying the gallbladder by increasing bile flow into the duodenum). It has therefore, an important action on the purification of the liver, but also on the protection and regeneration of the hepatocytes (the liver constituent units). For this reason it is an important ingredient of the Ayurvedic preparation Jathara Virya® acting naturally on the hepatobiliary and pancreatic function. The Turmeric also helps

  • the intestinal peristalsis in Adhogam Virya®;
  • to rebalance the hormones in Nari Virya® helps;
  • to improve digestion in Grahah Virya®
  • the correct milk assimilation in Milk Masala Virya®

Moreover curcumin, the active ingredient most valued by scientific evidence and known in Ayurveda for thousands of years, gives the Turmeric also an anti-inflammatory and analgesic action. For this reason it is used effectively in Amavata Virya® for the treatment of inflammation, joint pain, arthritis and arthrosis.

The phytocomplex of Turmeric is able to counteract the action of the free radicals responsible for the process of ageing and of damaging the membranes of the cells that make up our body. When used externally turmeric has a healing action.