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botticelli-primThe basis of the Ayurveda philosophy is the respect of the Body-Mind-Spirit, which is part of the constitution of every human being , regardless of being female or male.

The way in which the Ayurveda sees the woman reflects that of a more ancient tradition described in the Mahabharata, a great epic poem of India, written thousands of years ago:

Even an impudent man should not be rude to a woman, always remembering that the joy of the sensual love, pleasure and virtue depends on her. A woman is a sacred field, where the self is born. Even the wise men do not possess the power to procreate without her

(The Mahabharata (74), 51-52).

This is the expression of the Ayurvedic holistic thinking in reference to the woman, seen in its entirety, in a dynamic, harmonious relationship, with herself, with other people (family, work, friends), with the environment Earth and the entire universe. It is based on one single overall vision, which is not broken down into several parts, as the contemporary West implements. This fragmentation of how events are observed highlights for example how in health care there is a great attention to treat the disease and how to maintain health is completely ignored! The modern woman is suffering the consequences of this fragmentation and she manifests this by different types of disturbances at the level of the nervous genital, circulatory, hormonal, digestive system.

In a Western social framework that is so devastated, what can a single woman do? And how can Ayurveda help?

The first action to start respecting each other, to believe in herselve as a person and not to suffer the indignity of being considered a mere object, as the media and advertising heavily and obsessively show! (Alas! With the help of a certain type of woman !!!). Second, to enforce its rights at least on paper, as they are equal.

To do this you must be healthy, have energy and Ayurveda can help a lot in this field! It can help to balance the Doshas (energy fields) that constitute us through a proper Ayurvedic food diet, but also with the preparations of plants such as:

  • tablets Shatavari Virya®,which is a body tonic,
  • Pushpan Virya® or Nari Virya® which are rebalancing for the gynaecological apparatus both in childbearing or menopausal age.

For Ayurveda a healthy reproductive system is the hub of energy for the balance of Body-Mind-Spirit of Woman.