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tendini e legamentiEvery winter we joyfully put on our skis or snowboard and go down the slopes, filling our lungs with clean and crisp air. Because of the sedentary lifestyle that comes before the week of intense sport, unfortunately often the knee starts to hurt, the ankle or shoulder gets stiff, the heel inflamed and we can no longer enjoy or even worse, play sports. The cause is an inflammation of the tendons (which connect the muscle to the bone) and the ligaments (which connect two bones) of our body, because we have subjected them to major efforts believing that we are indestructible. But we did not use any simple tricks to avoid distressing them.

In Ayurveda inflammation and stiffening of the tendons and ligaments are due to an excess of the energy fields Vata Dosha (Air) and Pitta (Fire). The two Dosha have opposite properties that do not cancel each other but are associated in a negative way. To prevent inflammation we suggest to oil the parts of the body most stressed by the efforts, before and after exercise, with herbalised oils like Ashu Virya®. This oil has the property of heating and taking away the inflammation of the interested parts and to nourish the connective tissue of which the tendons and ligaments are constituted to preserve their elasticity and tonicity.

To help us endure in the physical exertion we also suggest to take the gum resin of Boswellia serrata contained in the tablets Boswellia Virya® to use continuously. To restore the trophism of the tendons and ligaments we recommend foot baths and hot baths with the plants’ powder Unnah Virya® that help to eliminate the toxins accumulated in the body tissues during physical activity.