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In summer, when temperatures are rising, many people suffer from headaches. According to the principles of Ayurveda these people suffer from an imbalance of the Energy Field Pitta (Fire), often accompanied by the imbalance of another Energy Field called Vata (Aria). Pitta and Vata are two of the three Energetic Fields that make up our constitution.

Because of the excess heat, the air present in our body takes a reverse direction to the natural one: it flows from the bottom up, rather than from the top to the bottom. When the air arrives in the head, it presses on the brain, on the microcirculation, and when the nerve fibers are inflamed, headaches, cephalalgy or migraines appear.

To solve this heat problem and stay cool, you might consider using air conditioning, but in reality you actually aggravate your headache problem by doing so. In fact, the sudden thermal changes that the body undergoes during the day, further enhance the imbalance of Vata (Aria), which, in turn, causes a further accentuation of Pitta’s imbalance with stronger headaches as a result.

To help you, we recommend refreshing the body internally with foods such as melons, watermelons, cucumbers, chicory, barley, corn and with preparations that reconstitute Pitta (Fire) like Tejas Virya® tablets, which refresh the whole body. Additionally, we suggest the tablets Vilayanam Virya® and Tulsi Virya® that act as a blood purifier and oxygen generator that help to reduce and eliminate the headache.

With the strong summer heat we suggest keeping your head fresh: you can do this by applying Narikela Virya® oil, a pure coconut oil that also acts as scalp cleanser and has a strengthening action on the hair making it shiny and soft. In addition, Narikela Virya® is recommended to apply on the whole body for refreshing and maintaining soft skin as well as an after sun cream.