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Everyone knows that we need to strengthen our immune system to remain healthy, especially if it is unbalanced. However, we do not know how to do this, because we do not have a precise idea of what the immune system is exactly.

This is because we cannot indicate it as a single organ or apparatus, which is intuitive if we talk about the heart, the liver, the brain or nervous system.

Immune system – what is it and what does it do:

The immune system is a complex set of reactions, occurring in multiple locations and involving millions of cells. It is made up of a complicated and still unclear network in which actions happen to identify and to react in defence of our body.

We are constantly in contact with the outside environment by multiform substances and microorganisms. Sometimes our immune system recognizes them as ‘alien’ substances and responds by generating the immune response.

The immune system according to Ayurveda

The immune system is regulated by the Energetic Field Kapha (Water), which has its main seat in the stomach and important secondary seats in the respiratory system and the head. So for Ayurveda there is an energetic relationship between the immune system and the stomach. Good digestion at stomach level will offer a healthy and balanced immune system. Bad stomach digestion on the other hand, creates AMA (mucus, toxins formed from incomplete digestion or un-digested food) that invades all the ‘empty spaces’ present in our body such as lymph vessels, and so on.

On this ‘soil’ of AMA any external microorganism finds nourishment to develop and proliferate by causing disease. The body can not react because it is all clogged up by AMA that does not allow the regular energy flow between one tissue and another.

The result is that we become weaker with greater chance of developing illness. If AMA is not present, our immune system is healthy and protects us.

For this reason we advice Ayurvedic natural remedies like:

  • Kaf Virya® tablets: rebalancing Kapha Dosha at stomach level, improve digestion and clean AMA stagnated in all tissues and thus strengthen the immune system;
  • Hara Virya® tablets: strengthen the whole metabolism and in particular open the “channels” (empty spaces) especially of the lymphatic system and of the respiratory system;
  • Tulsi Virya® tablets: adaptogen, increases the resistance of our body to all types of stress and helps to eliminate asthenia ;
  • Kapha Samya Virya®, herbal tea, which you can drink several times a day

All of these natural remedies can be taken by both children and adults.

For adults we advise to add Kancha Virya®, to facilitate lymphatic flow.