Virya Shop

Virya Shop

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Many of us run in city parks, in the countryside, on the shore, on mountain trails on a continuous basis, not only to release stress, but also to stay healthy. Ayurveda recommends practicing sports, because exercise helps the balance of the three Energy Fields (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) that constitute us. To sweat, toil without exaggeration, helps to eliminate the toxins from the body and keeps our muscles agile.

During running we recommend drinking herbal teas, like Pavana Virya®, with a little of raw cane sugar to eliminate the toxins more quickly. In addition we advise to refresh the body with plants’ preparations such as the tablets Tejas Virya®, to better withstand fatigue. To keep the joints without swelling and elastic (that is, to preserve the cartilage) we recommend the use of the tablets Boswellia Virya® and an oil treatment with Ayurvedic herbalised oils like Ashu forte Virya®, devoid of essential oils that dry both the nerve endings and the cartilage.