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Ayurvedica ViryaSeason: summer, early autumn

Ingredients Serves 4
3 potatoes
2 white onions
2 fresh red beetroots
8 tablespoons bean sprouts
1 teaspoon of Indian Masala Tea Virya®
10 fresh basil leaves
1 teaspoon of allspice powder
rock salt to taste
extra virgin olive oil

Peel the potatoes, onions and turnips and cut the vegetables into cubes ensuring that the cooking time is the same. Remember that the turnips are harder than potatoes and onions, so you have to cut them smaller. Place the 3 chopped vegetables in a pan, add water together with the ‘Indian Masala Tea Virya®, the allspice, salt and oil. When cooked, add the soy sprouts and basil leaves cut into small pieces with your hands. Adjust the salt and oil to taste.