Virya Shop

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Season: Winter

Ingredients – Serves 6

For the pastry:
500 g of white spelt flour
180 g ghee (clarified butter)
200 g of cane/brown sugar
2 eggs
25 g of milk
1 teaspoon of baking powder
1 teaspoon of Fruit Masala Virya®
1 pinch of rock salt

For the filling:
400 g of mostarda (jam of pears and quinces) of Bologna
100g of raisins
60 g of pine nuts
2 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder (optional)
On a cutting board, mix the flour with the sugar and place it in a heap.
At the centre pour the softened ghee, eggs, the pinch of salt and Fruit Masala Virya®. Mix all the ingredients, softening them with milk to form dough similar to pastry. Let the dough rest between two plates, in a cool place, for 1 hour.
Meanwhile, prepare the filling by mixing the Bolognese ‘mostarda’ (mustard of pears and quinces) with raisins, previously soaked for about 15 minutes and then squeezed, the pine nuts and cocoa.
Roll out the dough into a rectangle and spread the filling all over, leaving about 1 cm all around freeboard. Roll up carefully and transfer to a baking tray. Bake at 180° C., for about 30-40 minutes.