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Very often pain in the kidneys depends on the assumption of bad habits and sometimes we are not aware that these actions are contrary to our health.

The gestures of daily life that can aggravate the good functioning of the kidneys causing “kidney pains” are:

1) Little Sleep.
The kidneys follow the circadian cycles and according to Ayurveda during the night they self-energize and activate certain purification mechanisms. If we stay awake these mechanisms are altered and affect the health of the kidneys

2) Holding back your urine.

To neglect the stimulus to urinate, retaining urine for a long time, can favour the onset of kidney failure, kidney stones and incontinence.

3) Too much Coffee.

The caffeine contained in coffee, as well as in energizing drinks, disturbs the proper function of the kidney by promoting increased blood pressure.

4) Too many medicines.

In particular painkillers, but in general all medicines have side effects that involve not only stomach and liver, but also to the kidneys. Therefore, I always advise you to carefully read the medicine leaflet and to take medicines only if it is strictly necessary during the period of treatment prescribed by the doctor. Whenever possible, choose natural remedies like Ayurveda, that don’t have any side effects.

5) Too much alcohol

A toast, a beer with friends or alone is no problem, but drinking alcohol every day or getting drunk just once a week causes damage to the kidney functions.

The kidney according to Ayurveda

The kidney is a complex organ. According to Ayurveda, all three of the Dosha (energy fields) that make up the human being are involved:

  • Vata (Aria) regulates fluid movements;
  • Pitta (Fire) controls the function of the glomeruli;
  • Kapha (Water) the amount of liquids.

If we want to prevent the problems favoured by a sedentary and stressful life or in general improve the conditions of our kidneys and bladder, here are two more tips:

  1. Run a cycle of at least 3 months with Mala Sodhana Virya® powder, which disinfects the pelvic area, re-balancing the habitat where the kidney apparatus is located;
  2. Take Meha Virya® tablets that work to maintain or restore the natural glomerular activity.