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Season: Winter (Carnival)

250 g of white spelt flour
50 g of brown/cane sugar powder
25 g of clarified butter (ghee)
2 eggs
2 tablespoons of dry white wine
1 teaspoon of Fruit Masala Virya®
1 sachet of vanilla powder
½ teaspoon baking powder


On a pastry board pour the flour in a heap mixed with the sugar. Create a hole at the centre to place the eggs, the soft butter, vanilla powder, wine, Fruit Masala Virya® and begin to knead until the dough is smooth. Now add the baking powder and mix until the dough is smooth and not sticky. Form a ball, cover and let it rest for 30 minutes in a cool place. Take the dough and pull it with a rolling pin to obtain a thin pastry of about 3-4 mm. With the help of a toothed cutting wheel, cut it into strips of about 5 cm. Before cooking, to avoid too much swelling, we advise to roll them by way of plaits by making 2 transverse short cuts inside and inserting the corresponding angle, or by rolling and twisting it.

Place the frappe on a baking tray covered with baking paper previously made wet and squeezed. Bake in the oven at 180 ° C for about 10 minutes until the surface is coloured.
When cooked, arrange the frappe on a serving plate and sprinkle with powdered sugar.