Virya Shop

Virya Shop

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Otite1The ear is the seat of the hearing so it is very important to keep it healthy.

In Ayurveda the ear is considered an important seat of Vata (Air). When Vata increases, as in the transition season of Autumn when many variations of the climate and habits occur (return to school or work), it causes ear pain. When Vata associates with Kapha (Water), a blocking of the ear canal and the middle ear will occur with the appearance of sounds, or hearing loss. If it associates with Pitta (Fire) there will be even more ear secretion and pus formation.

Therefore Ayurveda recommends prevention by protecting your ears from the cold, from the water and oiling the ear canal with Ayurvedic oils as Yankona.

If despite everything an otitis appears, Ayurveda indicates the use of Ayurvedic herbal medicine:

  • the ready-to-use decoction Nirjala Virya® to maintain fluid ear secretions;
  • Rikhiya Virya® to remove inflammation,
  • Vilayanam Virya® as an antiseptic and as the continuation of oiling the ear canal.