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traslocoWhen we suffer from sore and contracted muscles, an aching back, when we find it hard to bend, have stiff shoulders, and arms and knees that bend with fatigue, experts usually say that there is a buildup of lactic acid. This is true, but the lactic acid is formed due to lack of oxygen in the muscles. It testimonies that the oxygen supply is deficient, thus we “at first” must learn to breathe better, both paying attention to the breath when exercising (often we hold our breath without realising it), and helping yourself with the intake of Ayurvedic products such as the decoction Nirjala Virya® that thins the mucus (“toxins” derived from undigested food) and that favours the oxygenation of the blood.

Lactic acid inflames the muscles and may lead to a feeling of pain and muscle stiffness. For this we offer the Ayurvedic preparations Boswellia Virya® and Amavata Virya® that remove inflammation and favour the fluidity of movement. For external use, to nourish and maintain the joints, tendons, cartilage and muscles elastic, we recommend oiling the skin with the herbalised oil Ashu strong Virya®. If you develop swelling due to water retention, we recommend using the plants’ powder Unnah Virya® in the form of poultices together with Ashu strong Virya® on the affected area.