Virya Shop

Virya Shop

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sorriso-300x191Healthy teeth and gums help to have a good digestion because they allow proper mastication. Since ancient times, the people of the Middle and Far East knew this very well, as they have always taken care of oral hygiene using special fibrous roots or twigs. The roots and branches functioned both as a toothbrush and toothpaste. They also used mixtures of powdered plants that were rubbed with a finger on the teeth and gums.

The traditional Indian medicine Ayurveda recommends the use of herbal toothpaste containing the Neem (Azadirachta Indica) plant as it has an antiseptic and antibacterial action. They can be in paste or powder. For Ayurveda oral hygiene also consists of cleaning the tongue with the copper headband called jbbi. This is a practice we recommend as a furring of “toxins” deposits on the tongue, especially during the night, that should be removed to allow you to have a good function of the taste buds, and to prevent bad breath and inflammation of gums and throat.

In the case of gum and throat inflammation, we suggest drinking the ready-to-use decoction of herbs Nirjala Virya® diluted in a bit of water to thin the mucus that stimulates the inflammatory response and the herbal tea Koshtha Virya® to eliminate accumulated toxins in the gut that generate the inflammation of the gums and throat, according to Ayurveda.