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lentiscoMastic tree is a wild plant that we find on the coasts and on the islands of the Mediterranean. In our walks to the sea, perhaps without realizing it, we went alongside this evergreen shrub with a strong resinous smell. It is able to withstand drought and to improve the soil on which it grows. It is therefore particularly useful, from an ecological point of view, for the recovery of degraded areas and environmental regeneration.

In classical Greek and Latin texts you can find many references to this plant and to its countless uses. As food use, since the time of Apicius, the ripe drupes (fruits) of the mastic tree were used for seasoning herbs from the field, but also to extract the oil of a tasty flavour, for use in soups, vegetables and meat. Today it is still produced in Sardinia, but in small quantities, because of the diffusion of the use of olive oil which has similar components to the mastic, but a higher yield of extraction.

Instead, for the use of a person’s health the mastic tree resin called Mastic was used a lot in the past, having multiple medicinal properties. However, before use, the resin must be purified and pulverised to make it edible. Its action is refreshing, antiseptic, tonic, astringent, healing. The most valuable is that of Chios (island of Crete)

Today, the mastic resin is used mainly as an ingredient of modern chewing gum, and in perfumery, hygiene of the mouth, in mouthwashes and toothpastes.

After a period of neglect, the Mastic regains its true, important role for the wellbeing of the person, in the food supplements of Virya® Italian Ayurveda. As in the past, following the Ayurvedic principles, the new and innovative formulations of Virya® allow the Mastic to give off all its qualities. In fact, depending on the bouquet of plants with which it is mixed, one of its many properties is particularly exalted. For example:

  • in Amavata Virya® the Mastic potentiates the action of taking away inflammation of the muscles of the body;
  • in Kancha Virya® it has an astringent action especially on the lymphatic tissue;
  • in Nari Virya® it acts as an antiseptic to the genital mucosa;

in Vilayanam Virya® as an antiseptic, purifying the blood.