Virya Shop

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legumiEvery day we discuss issues around food and overweight or underweight. We think that eating organic food solves all problems, but we realise that this is not true.

In fact, we learn from Ayurveda that eating organic is the beginning of the solution, not the solution. Eating organic foods means eating healthier as you do not ingest covertly medicines, preservatives, additives, chemical colorings, and artificial flavors and, above all, you rediscover the genuine taste of the food, which is a very important factor. The Taste (Rasa) together with Quality (Guna) of food are essential for a correct diet.

Through Ayurveda you’ll discover that you must not combine foods with very different characteristics during one meal, for example: meat with fish, cheese and eggs, beans and tomatoes, etc. This generates digestive difficulties and, consequently, the formation of “toxins” derived from partially digested food, which blocks the correct assimilation of nutrients and energy in the body. Moreover, according to our physical constitution, the climate we live in, the type of work we do, the accumulation of the “toxins” favours the onset of disorders such as obesity, arthritis, rheumatism, problems with circulation and respiration.

For this reason we suggest you take only one type of protein at the time in one single meal; not to mix animal proteins with those of vegetable origin, to eat cereals preferably in grains, to use raw (unheated) extra virgin olive oil or ghee (clarified butter), so that the meal is complete with all the nutrients necessary for our physiological characteristics and our lifestyle. To help you eating properly we suggest the , easy, fast and tasty Virya® Recipes, following the dictates of Ayurveda.