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The lifestyle that the contemporary society forces us to have, can lead to more or less deep situations of distress in the family. If there are children in the household, they will be the most affected. They can express it by never being or sitting still, fidgeting constantly, with moments of strong nervousness, rebellion, anger, by being intractable. If they are in the school age they will have difficulty concentrating and then learning because of the agitation.

For Ayurveda there is a significant excess of Vata Dosha (Air) and Pitta (Fire) that acts on the nervous system, which is controlled by the main headquarters of Vata and Pitta located in the colon and duodenum. Therefore, to help the child you should start with rebalancing the bowel functions to nourish the nervous system.


You can rebalance the element of Air with the powder Trikatu Virya® and Appeto Virya®, taking it before meals with a little ghee (clarified butter) or honey, which help to restore the proper assimilation of nutrients without causing intestinal fermentation, i.e. without creating new air and intestinal dryness with the presence of constipation; with Grahah Virya® that directs air downwards (the natural direction of this element). The decompensation of the air upwards, according to Ayurveda creates disturbances to the brain, shaking it and drying it up. Rikhiya Virya® is useful to remove the excess heat in the bowel and the AMA, toxins derived from poor digestion. Tulsi Virya® has an anti-stress action, calms the person allowing it to carry out daily activities in a natural way or by helping to reconcile physiological sleep as it has an adaptogenic action to the performance of the day.

Very useful is also a proper diet that includes:

  • the intake of ghee (clarified butter) and raw extra virgin olive oil,
  • the intake of warm milk with Milk Masala Virya® that nourishes the nervous system by re-balancing it,
  • the intake of oily seeds such as almonds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds,
  • hot drinks such as hot broths of meat, vegetables, herbal teas
  • the elimination of cheeses, yogurt, bananas, or caffeinated sodas and chocolate.

But above all, according to Ayurveda the parents must set an example in how to deal in a calm, peaceful, tranquil way with life’s daily problems. They should also spend more hours with the children, but with a constructive relationship of their own personality in order to find a proper communication with their children. They should also avoid watching television, especially violent shows.