Virya Shop

Virya Shop

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With the first cold and rains, many people find themselves with a congested nose, with swollen and sore membranes that line the sinuses. The toxins (AMA), which appear as mucus, are blocked in the sinuses.

In Ayurveda, a mucus block indicates an altered “involvement” of the two Energy fields: Vata (air) and Kapha (water) that have the characteristic of being cold and, respectively, dry and wet. This determines a congestion derived from mucus filling all the empty spaces present in the skull and in the face, causing compression of the nerve endings that generate pain, in other words, the headache or sinusitis headache.

To decongest we recommend a nasal rinse with warm salt water using the lota, a particular ampulla used for centuries in India, while using at the same time plant based preparations containing mucolytic and anti-inflammatory actions, such as: Kaf Virya®, Vilayanam Virya ®, Hara Virya® and the decoction Nirjala Virya®. This will loosen the mucus pressure on the nerve endings, the sinuses and the remaining “cavities” favouring the elimination of headaches.