Virya Shop

Virya Shop

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To successfully manage the pace of work and that of the family is a demanding enterprise. Studies completed by “the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health” highlight that more than 55 hours of work per week “destroy” the mood of a person.

If you look at the rythm that a woman has to sustain of 8 hours of work outside the home followed by housework for the family, it is understandable that the probability of accumulating stress increases, especially if you do not manage to get aid from grandparents or a nanny/babysitter.

It is essential for ones health to carve out time to devote to the affections and proper interests. It is therefore necessary to be disciplined and win at least half an hour a day to yourselve. In Ayurveda the human being is the inseparable union between body, mind and spirit and, if you do not take care of all three components, the balance understood as health disappears and create imbalances that generate disorders and diseases. To help maintain or regain wellbeing we offer the Ayurvedic preparations: Pushpan Virya® and Shatavari Virya® that strengthen the female genital tract, which is the centre of the female energy balance; Tulsi Virya® to help the mind to support all efforts.