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eucalipto-filareThe rows of 20 meters tall Eucalyptus plants have become a common sight in the landscape of some Italian regions like Sicily, the southern Lazio (Pontina area), but the Eucalyptus globulus has Australian origins and arrived in Italy only in the nineteenth century. At first it was used as an ornamental plant in gardens and parks. When it was observed that the eucalyptus absorbed large amounts of water, it was used to drain the wetlands especially those that had the Plasmodium malaria, reclaiming the land.

For its height and the thick foliage it has been employed as windbreak to protect crop and housing.

Another feature of the eucalyptus, a plant of the Myrtaceae family, is to have leaves that contain a powerful oily substance containing extraordinary and beneficial properties for the respiratory tract. The oil has balsamic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic qualities and helps to eliminate bronchitis, sore throat, cough and fever. Eucalyptus leaves are perfect both in the prevention and in the treatment of the respiratory tract infections, having a mycolitic, expectorant and decongestant action as well as having an antispasmodic and balsamic action.

It is therefore present in the food integrator in tablets Kaf Virya® and its action is synergized by the other plants with which it is skilfully mixed.

The good aroma of eucalyptus leaves can be tasted in balsamic herbal teas like Kapha Samya Virya®, to be sipped at any time of the day. Drinking one or more cups serves not only to warm up in the cold and damp days, but also to prevent or help decongestion of the respiratory tract