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menopausaThe active life of women is getting longer. At 50, the woman finds herself still in full possession of her vital energies, job activities, and has plenty of interests that she wants to develop. It is, however, an age of profound change as around 50-55 years of age the majority of women must deal with the menopause.

It is important not to consider it as a disease, but simply as an evolution of the life cycle learning to accept the change. In fact, the way of thinking and acting do not change. On the contrary, because of the enrichment of life’s experiences acquired, the women who experience menopause acquire the character of “matrons” (in the etymological meaning of the term), i.e. mature women, even more aware of their state of participation in the activities of the family and society.

In order to better address this change, according to Ayurveda, it is important to maintain the Energy Fields Vata, Pitta, Kapha Dosha balanced. The frenetic pace that today’s life requires do not allow you to manage this change naturally. We therefore suggest helping your body to adapt with Nari Virya® tablets, which assist the new natural hormonal balance and relieve water retention, mood swings and the small tachycardias. In case of the appearance of “flushes”, we recommend to associate them to Tejas Virya® tablets to allievate them. To help the tissues to remain toned we propose Shatavari Virya® tablets.

We also recommend a healthy balanced diet, to avoid exceeding the amount of food necessary and always practice physical movement.