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torta di mele al Fruit

Season: Autumn, Winter
Serves 6:
6 mealy apples
2 eggs
200 g of brown/cane sugar
100 g of ghee (clarified butter)
400 g white spelt flour
1 teaspoon of grated lemon peel
1 pinch of salt
Milk to taste.
1 dose of baking powder
4 teaspoons Fruit Masala Virya®
Wash, peel, slice the apples, put them in a pan with 2 tablespoons of the brown sugar and two teaspoons of Fruit Masala Virya®. Cook, stirring frequently, until they no longer release their juice.
In a bowl, whisk the eggs with 150 g of sugar, then add the lemon peel, 2 teaspoons of Fruit Masala Virya®, ghee and salt, stirring constantly. Slowly add the flour, preferably sifted, softening it all with milk to make a fairly thick batter making sure that no lumps are formed. Finally stir in the baking powder.
Pour the batter into a buttered baking tray, sprinkling the apples on top, trying to leave about 1 cm of the edge of the dough
Bake at 180 °C for about 30 minutes. Once cooked, let it cool in the oven.