Virya Shop

Virya Shop

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verdure cestoIn recent years more and more studies highlight the relationship between diet and cancer, as well as providing increasingly frequent recommendendations on the meaning and the importance of a healthy and balanced diet. Ayurveda – Science of Life – in its essence of preventive medicine poses proper nutrition as the foundation of wellness and personal care. The most recent studies, therefore, give credence in the Western world to some “secular principles” of Ayurveda, such as a vegetarian diet and a very limited and specific use of meat, since their intake in excessive doses is “toxic.”

In particular, Ayurveda recommends eating seasonal vegetables and fruits, and of the place where you live, because this kind of food allows creating positive “synergies” with the environment; essentially this principle is based on the fact that in nature foods meet the nutritional needs of the current season: they cool or heat, purify or detoxify…..

Fruits, seasonal vegetables, olive oil, pulses, cereals, herbs and spices are the ideal foods for taste (Rasa) and properties (Guna) to maintain your body’s tissues and, therefore, the single cells in a situation of balance or in other words, in health. We would like to remind that these foods must be fresh, not frozen nor preserved to express their nutritional potential.

For some of us it is not always easy to digest fruit or vegetables, in which case herbs and spices come to our rescue. In fact, they not only serve to give flavour to food, but also to increase their digestibility. We have therefore created the  Line Churna® Kitchen, composed of various spice blends designed to stimulate a natural and correct digestion (Agni Digestive Fire = ).

To help you with your vegetarian diet and a healthy lifestyle, we offer a series of recipes on this website that have been elaborated strictly following the Ayurvedic indications.