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testi ayurvediciIt is surprising how the Western scientific health world remains closed and lacks expertise about the Traditional Cultures in the World!
The mass media and the Internet speak of this new science that is emerging: the nutrigenomics! This is the science seeking ‘to understand how a food changes the functioning of the body at molecular level and aims to develop a diet that in the near future will take into account the genetic profile of each individual.”
If the Western scientists would study unconventional or traditional medicine like Ayurveda, they would discover that Ayurveda has investigated the Life in depth and has already elaborated the conceptual and practical tools to understand and explain how and why a food changes the functioning of an organ according to the constitution of an individual (Prakriti).

With the definition of Doshas: Vata (Air), Pitta (Fire), Kapha (Water), of Rasa (Flavours), of Guna (Quality) and their application on the human being, on all living beings, Ayurveda has indicated for more than 3000 years the correct way for a healthy diet and how to maintain or regain health!

The scientific labs may identify particular molecules with specific sectorial actions, for example the lycopene found in tomatoes which are considered anti-cancer compounds, but they will not be able to find out why that molecule exists in that food and why it has that action!
Italian Virya® Ayurveda for 20 years has been formulating and distributing preparations following the ancient Ayurvedic principles using Italian and Mediterranean plants, that are much more than just food supplements, they are revitalizing and anticipating the future “discoveries” of Nutrigenomics!