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rimedi naturali stressYou have recently returned to work (from holidays) and you still feel tired, irritable, drops of memory, your headache reappears, your blood pressure has risen, the tensions on your neck are worsened and then there’s at annoying back pain …

This feeling of uneasiness is not a disease, but it is a natural adverse reaction and occurs in a variety of ways, for example stress returns, the feelings of uneasiness that you had before your holidays reappear or new ones appear.

This malaise is a disorder of adaptation (transition from a period of rest to a period rich of habitual habits) that involves the hypothalamus-hypophysis and adrenal gland.

These organs react by producing a greater amount of hormones that serve to buffer the overload of work and in turn the hypothalamus- hypophysis and adrenal gland are stressed.

It’s a vicious cycle.

While you have been able to enjoy more freedom on holiday, you have enjoyed the outdoors and relaxed in company with your friends and visiting new places, now you have to face rigid working hours, tasks that are not always enjoyable and often overlapped inside at frenzied rhythms, also enclosed in the walls of the office, clearly leading to a situation of unbalance!

How can you deal with it?sindrome da rientro


1 – Return earlier

Come back from your holidays 1 or 2 days before, to soften the impact of the routine of city life

2 – Stay outdoors

Cut out some space in your diary for a walk around the park, to run outdoors, to get out of the home to enjoy the remaining sunny days

3 – Take care of your skin

 Dedicate some time to the well-being of your tanned skin by bathing with herbal powders scented with Uttapa Virya® and oiling with Jitaphala Virya®to hydrate, nourish and make your skin tonic and elastic.

4 – Eat well

Take care of eating meals full of seasonal fruit and vegetable such as figs, grapes, pumpkin, plums, that refresh your body. According to Ayurveda, the return syndrome starts from the excess of the Pitta Energy Field (Fire) and the unbalanced Vata (Aria) in us, derived from the same heat of the summer climate and the excesses of food eaten.

5 – Use Some supplements

if you feel “inflamed” and swollen, you can help yourself with the refreshing supplements Tejas Virya® and deflating supplements Gam Virya®

6 – Sleep

try to sleep a lot and well, at least 8-10 hours;

7 – Calendar

sindrome da rientroif you feel nervous and agitated for all the commitments to face, remember that you can not escape them all on the first day of work.

Therefore organize your calendar by setting the number of commitments progressively to give your body and brain time to align with new rhythms.

If you want some extra help, I recommend all natural Tulsi Virya®,tablets, an antistress and adaptable, that is, it enhances the adrenaline gland and more.