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dermatite-mani-piediMany people suffer from skin irritation which manifests itself in the form of skin redness, in the appearance of tiny vesicles containing liquid, in skin flaking and the appearance of numerous “red dots”. All these events are named eczema and / or dermatitis, which generate itching, a sensation of tingling and easy skin lacerations that can be complicated by infection.

The incidence of eczema in Western countries has been estimated at 20%, which means that 20 out of 100 people are suffering from this disorder. This is a very high percentage which tends to increase over the years. According to traditional medicine (allopathic) the causes can be many: chemical contact, microbes, allergens, etc. and environmental pollutants. There is also a certain familiarity, in the sense that atopic dermatitis occurs, for example, more easily in people who have a family member with the same disorders and this familiarity also applies to those suffering from allergies or asthma.

According to Ayurveda on the other hand, the origin lies in the presence of toxins (AMA, derived primarily from partially digested food) in the body, that make that same body an area sensitive to any agent. On the basis of morph-energy fields (doshas) that each individual has, the eczema can appear more in one area than another. Consequently Ayurveda suggests releasing the body from the toxins, opening all the macro “channels” (Shrotas) such as the intestine and the “micro” channels, as the blood capillaries until you get to the cellular channels.

For this purpose we offer mixtures of plants, associated according to their qualities and flavours with the aim to balance the body by reactivating the correct energy cycles. The tablets Adhogam Virya® and Hara Virya® are appropriate to remove the toxins from all channels, while the tablets Vilayanam Virya® help to eliminate the itching determined by the “movement” of toxins. Finally, the skin irritation can be locally soothed by applying the herbalised butter Tapaka Virya® that has the property to help the natural regeneration of the skin making it supple besides reducing the inflammation. We also suggest baths or compresses with the powder of only plants Uttapa Virya®, which is soothing and refreshing. To wash the body, especially the affected skin, we recommend the use of the powder Snanam Virya® made only of plants without the presence of ecxcipients, preservatives, surfactants, fragrances that would irritate the damaged skin even  more.