Virya Shop

Virya Shop

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Dandruff is a condition that affects one in two people, according to the latest statistical studies. Dandruff is a desquamation of the end of the scalp, which in most cases creates embarrassment rather than  nuisance.

In Ayurveda the scalp is a second, but important, channel for the elimination of liver slag (MALA). When there is an accumulation of waste it means that the liver is overloaded with heat (Pitta Dosha) and fails to perform its functions properly. We therefore recommend a refreshing and decongesting diet such as: white rice, barley, corn polenta, artichokes, chicory, celery, carrots, fennel, cucumber or melon fruit or watermelon.

A diet is not always enough to recover a correct functionality of the liver. A purifying herbal tea is very useful and we suggest taking Pavana Virya® tea during the day or after a meal. We also propose the tablets Jathara Virya®, which help the hepato-pancreatic function, in addition to cleansing the body. If Pavana Virya® and Jathara Virya® are taken together with Tejas Virya®, a synergy should be born that shall eliminate the excess Pitta (Fire) all over the body and help to rebalance your metabolism faster.

Moreover we advise to wash your scalp with a shampoo that does not contain surfactants, excipients, perfumes, such as the shampoo Utsadanam Virya®, a powder of plants and of particular clay, to be applied on the scalp as a batter. We suggest rubbing the scalp with the Narikela Virya® oil to decongest it.

We remind that in periods of high emotional stress or physical fatigue, stress can overload the liver; in these cases we suggest to adopt a lifestyle in which we limit the increase of Fire (Pitta), namely: not to smoke cigarettes, avoid drinking alcohol and eating chocolate and finally going to sleep early in the evening, at least before midnight.