Virya Shop

Virya Shop

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“koff – koff” is the refrain created by COUGH, a snappy or deep sound, with different timbres depending on the rate at which the gases are expelled from the airways, on the vibratory movements of the the voice box, windpipe and chest. In Ayurveda, the cough is a phenomenon derived from an imbalance of the energy fields Vata (Air) and Kapha (Water), which have characteristics of coldness and respectively of dryness or humidity.

In autumn-winter these energies can overbalance in excess due to the climatic characteristics. In people who have accumulated toxins in their body (AMA = mucus), this imbalance causes the cough. It is ‘a “reaction” of the important and “primitive body” that has the aim to eliminate the accumulation of mucus and allow proper breathing.

Initially, the cough may be dry and irritable, in which case, we suggest mucolytic preparations based on plants, such as the decoction Nirjala Virya®; when the cough becomes greasy with the expectoration of mucus, which must be spit out and not swallowed, it can be alleviated with the decoction Pinasa Virya®. Ayurveda indicates the bowels also as a point of accumulation of mucus, therefore we recommend elimanting it with sweet bowel softeners such as the Adhogam Virya® tablets for adults or the Virechan Virya® decoction for children and pregnant women. In this way the organism’s balance recovers more quickly.