Virya Shop

Virya Shop

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DiscoboloMany of us unfortunately suffer or have suffered from back pain, regardless of age. The causes are many: poor posture, sudden movements, humid and / or cold climate, using unsuitable shoes, eating too acidic food. Too often we pretend that our body adapts automatically to sitting crooked in front of the computer, to walking with pointed shoes or high heels, to sleeping on too soft mattresses, to too many starchy or fatty foods, and to not wearing woolen garments that keep our muscles warm.

Ayurveda identifies back pain as an alteration in the energy field Vata Dosha (air), which is characterized by coldness and dryness and in Pitta Dosha (Fire), which is warm and unctuous. The muscle-skeletal system is disturbed and impeded in its function of movement of function and support. It looses elasticity and coordination, creating pain when walking and bending the back with the loss of the ability to lift weights.

Therefore the first suggestion is to acquire good habits by learning to use a correct posture and always stay warm and covered when it’s cold and / or when one has a cold. To take away the inflammation of the muscles and regain freedom of movement, we advice keeping the muscles warm to rebalance the Vata and taking the tablets Amavata Virya® and Boswellia Virya®. They help to take away the pain resulted from the accumulation of “toxins” between the muscle fibers, mainly derived from partially digested foods.

To warm up, and feed the muscle tissue and help the elimination of toxins, we suggest the application of herbalised oils like Nirmalavayu Virya® on the back and to take hot baths or poultices in the painful areas with the pulverized plants Prativatam Virya®.

We also recommend a correct diet based on warm  food, cooked with herbs and spices (Trikatu Virya®, Appeto Virya®), except for chilli pepper, which facilitate digestion and help to avoid generating new “toxins.”