Virya Shop

Virya Shop

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Ayurvedica ViryaDo you have children? How many times have they skinned their knees falling from their bicycle? or have had scratches and or got a knock while playing? or a cold or a sudden fever? or an episode of vomiting? and any other small health incident … ..

The Italian Virya® Ayurveda can give you a helping hand offering quick and effective solutions!

At home, in your first aid kit, next to patches, hydrogen peroxide, a disinfectant and gauzes you should always keep some Ayurvedic preparations, such as:

– Tapaka Virya®, an ointment free of excipients, preservatives, colourings, which helps the rapid reabsorption of “bangs or knocks”, but also takes away the pain and itching from insect bites, sunburn or minor burns, skin irritations from contact with nettles or any other causes;

– Nirjala Virya®, a ready for use decoction of plants, free of alcohol, sugar and preservatives to help eliminate coughs, colds and all respiratory problems;

– Virechan Virya®, a concentrated decoction of plants that help to regulate the lazy bowel and to eliminate the mucus present in the body, which for Ayurveda is at the origin of the fever;

 – Tejas Virya®, tablets that can be crushed with ghee or with Virechan Virya® to be used in case of fever;

– Grahah Virya®, tablets to be used after vomiting crushed with a little honey and lemon and swallowed with a little hot water.