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SLAAmyotrophic lateral sclerosis ALS is a rare disease of the etiology, for medicine allopathic medicine, unknown.

These days worldwide there is a contest between politicians, entertainment celebrities and ordinary people to throw buckets of icecold water with the aim to raise funds for scientific research. The “game” is that every person who receives the bucketful must make a donation and nominate other three people in 24 hours who should receive the bucketful and donate money for research.

In the United States in a few days they have raised millions of dollars, while in Italy, many ice buckets where raised, but little money!

The bucket of ice water is for Ayurveda the first action that increases the possibility of having SLA, as the cold is the main factor that increases Vata and thus the possibility to encounter the disease.

For Ayurveda, ALS involves all 3 Doshas (energy fields that make up the human being): Vata (air), Pitta (fire) and Kapha (water). Simplifying and schematising this very complex theory, for Ayurveda Vata is concerned with regards to alterations of the nervous system and muscles; Pitta and Kapha for inflammation of the immune system.

For this, as prevention Ayurveda firstly recommends to keep the three Doshas in balance.

How can you do this? With a medical Ayurvedic visit consisting of the ‘reading’ (analysis) of the pulse, which may indicate the actions to be carried out: through a proper Ayurvedic diet, a lifestyle respectful of our biological clocks inherent to every individual, with the use of Ayurvedic preparations made from plants and mineral salts.

Some products that can help you stay healthy are: Amavata Virya® tablets helping the muscular and nervous “energy channels” to stay open and to reduce the inflammation; Chayavanaprasha Virya®, a Rasayana (rejuvenating) special jam, nourishing the tissues and the immune system; Rikhiya Virya® tablets, which are antioxidant and immunostimulant; Nirmalavayu Virya® oil for external use to be applied on the body, especially on the abdomen at the height of the colon and hot baths with Prativatam Virya® powder that serves to dissolve AMA (toxins) in the body, an important component for tissue degeneration. From the perspective of food it is advised to eliminate the excess of acidic foods like canned foods, tomato; of nerve foods such as coffee; of foods that clog the “channels” such as yogurt, cheese, bananas.

For those suffering from the disease ALS, in addition to the above, you are advised to have a pulse reading done by a good doctor who will customise the therapy also with other preparations and Ayurvedic therapies.