Virya Shop

Virya Shop

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Just like the snow melts in the spring sunshine, so do the accumulated toxins (AMA) move and dissolve (mucus) with the rise in temperature. An excess accumulation can block the body channels (srotas) causing nasal congestion, itching, lachrymation, and swelling of the eyes.

In Ayurveda, the most involved energy in allergic colds is the Kapha Dosha (Water and Earth) as it has the quality of moisture, cold and heaviness. In these cases the phlegm fills the upper respiratory tract, and sometimes even the eyes.

The first thing to do is to improve digestion by avoiding the formation of mucus in excess using as an aperitif Trikatu Virya® combined in equal amounts with Appeto Virya® mixed together with a little ghee (clarified butter) or honey. Foods should be cooked in a simple way with many flavours and spices, except  chilli. It is advised to contemporarily use the preparations Kaf Virya®, Nirjala Virya® and Hara Virya®, to purify and strengthen the immune system and improve breathing, eliminating swelling, itching and headache.