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congiuntivite allergica-occhioAfter the cold and wet winter, the warmth of the outdoor temperature and the days with more hours of light, tone the body, mind and spirit, but not for everyone. For some of us spring is a problem: eyes redden, get itchy, watery, are intolerant to light (photophobia), and the eyelids swell. According to the allopathic medicine these symptoms are caused by exposure to irritants, “allergens” defined as pollens.

Instead, in Ayurveda these events depend from the liquids of the body which present a high rate of “toxic substances” (AMA) that are accumulated not only in the level of the eyes, but also in the liver and blood. The cause is therefore the toxins in our body that “bind” to the pollen, not the pollen as such.

Following the dictates of Ayurveda we recommend the following products to improve allergic conjunctivitis:

  • Hara Virya® which helps to eliminate toxins from the intestines and is an antioxidant;
  • Vilayanam Virya® to improve the oxygenation of the blood and soothe itching;
  • the decoction Pinasa Virya® to favour the micro movement of the eye and, finally, the tablets Jathara Virya® to purify the

To give relief to the eyes by external means, we propose the ocular baths with powdered Triphala Virya®. Put a spoon of powder in a cup of water and leave to rest all night. In the morning wash the eyes with this water that can be used for all the eye baths of the day. The Triphala water should be newly prepared daily.