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corpo tonico uomoIf we have passed the age of thirty, and we lead a sedentary life it is unlikely that our body has the desired tone. First of all it is necessary to emphasize that “movement” is an indispensable condition for being tonic. If you live in the city you can find a park with an “exercise trail”, where there are stages in which muscle toning and breathing exercises are signed, or, you can perform harmonic yoga sequences. If you are at the seaside long swims are a cure-all, as well as mountain hiking for a few hours a day.

Along with movement we can help the recovery of the tone of the tissues, particularly the muscle tone, with Shatavari Virya®, a preparation that strengthens muscle mass. It is a valuable tonic because it increases the body’s resistance and helps to rebalance the body’s metabolism. For a draining action we recommend to associate the tablets Kancha Virya® with Pavana Virya® herbal tea to drink throughout the day.