Virya Shop

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febbreWith the arrival of the cold and humid weather fever and flu appear, which we normally associate with the multiplication of viruses. Ayurveda locates in the “land”, that is, in the body, in the constitution of a person, the basis of health or of the development of diseases. In particular, if we accumulate ‘toxins’ and mucus within the body due to a bad diet and / or digestion, due to stress or to chemical agents, all this constitutes a breeding ground for the development of bacteria and viruses present in the environment. The cold and humid environmental conditions mentioned above, associated with a high level of toxins hinder their elimination, favouring the onset of colds, coughs, bronchitis, fever and gastro-intestinal problems . The fever is a tool used by the body to eliminate toxins, therefore we should think of the flu as an incinerator that burns the accumulated waste.

Thus we recommend eliminating toxins and excess mucus in a natural way using Ayurvedic products as tablets Adhogam Virya® or the ready-to-use decoction Virechan Virya® for children and pregnant women, to be used even after the disappearance of fever. If the fever is high, we recommend refreshing the body with preparations of plants such as the tablets Tejas Virya® and the herbal tea Pitta Samya Virya®.

If case of a cold or cough it is necessary to thin the mucus. You can use the Ayurvedic products Nirjala Virya®, a decoction which helps to eliminate the irritable and dry cough and / or Pinasa Virya® which helps eliminating the productive cough.

During the febrile period it is necessary to rest, not eat but drink a lot, especially herbal teas and hot broths, never drink fruit juices especially if they are acid like orange juice, or nervine beverages like tea.

Prevention requires a timely removal of mucus and toxins accumulated in our bodies by keeping the intestines clean and by opening all the “channels” with Ayurvedic preparations like the herbal tea Koshtha Virya®, and the tablets Hara Virya®. The tablets Kaf Virya® and decoctions Nirjala Virya® and Pinasa Virya®, Kapha Samya Virya® favour the thinning of the mucus to facilitate its removal and strengthen the immune system.

A proper diet helps in the prevention and care of the person: leeks, polenta, mushrooms, pearl barley, onion and garlic can favour intestinal function. To aid the digestion of all other foods we suggest cooking them with herbs and spices for easier digestion (ready –for- use Churna ® Kitchen spice mixtures).