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invecchiareIt is good to age and get older in health because it allows you to taste and enjoy the natural wisdom of the third age.

Ageing well is possible with the help of Ayurveda, the millennial science of life, born in India officially around 3000 years ago. The writings are based on knowledge passed down until then, so it is even more ancient.

The principles of Ayurveda are so universal that they can pass through centuries, change latitudes, but remain topical. It’s a fascinating wisdom that takes you by the hand and makes you feel good.

Ayurveda indicates a healthy lifestyle that involves:

  • food diet
  • use of officinal plants
  • the relationship with oneself
  • the relationships with others, such as family members, work colleagues, and friends
  • the environment in which you live, whether in a town or in the countryside, and in what climate
  • one’s own spirituality, therefore within Ayurveda we find Yoga, which is the union of body-mind-spirit

If you have some age-related aches, do not be afraid, with some attention to food diet and the use of plants, you can regain your health or improve your quality of life from the situation of suffering you have.

Here we list some typical age disturbances and how to deal with them according to Ayurveda:

  • If you begin to have difficulty in concentration, with memory, eliminate cheeses, yoghurts, raw salads, bananas, tomatoes, peppers from your diet and start taking the Tulsi Virya® tablets in continuous way, as it oxygenates the nervous system and micro- peripheral circulation. Associate it with the Pinasa Virya® ready-made decoction that eliminates the “toxins” (mucus) present in the brain;
  • If, on the other hand, you have swollen knees, start having difficulties with taking objects with your hands, having difficulty with walking around, you may take Ayurveda supplements present in Amavata Virya® tablets, a mixture of plants that will reactivate and balance all the energetic and physical “canals” blocked by mucus associated with Boswellia Virya®, re-balancing the synovial fluid of the joints, nourishing cartilage and tendons.

As an external application, you could oil the sore parts with Ashu strong Virya® oil, as it drains and, absorbs fluids, nourishes the tissues. You can also apply poultices on the sore parts or take hand-and foot baths with the herbs-only powder Unnah Virya®.

If you have a bloated abdomen, to re-balance your microbiota naturally, use the Gam Virya® tablets that reconstitute the colon together with Grahah Virya®, which improves the intestinal environment, allowing your microbiota to grow harmoniously;

  • If you are a man and want to prevent or improve your prostate, the Mala Sodhana Virya® refreshing powder and Meha Virya® tablets rejuvenate urinary tract routes;
  • If you are a woman experiencing the menopause, I would recommend taking Nari Virya® tablets, which rebalance not only the genital system, but also the mood swings and help prevent any tachycardia.

These little “maintenances” will help you not only to be better off, but also to give you energy to carry out your household tasks with your grandchildren and cultivate your interests, to be more serene and to sleep satisfied of the day evolved in a creative way.

Did you reach and exceed for a long time the age of 60? Do you want to preserve your health? I suggest you follow the directions written in the previous article.