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Why is it that getting pregnant often is a problem and not a simple and natural thing as you imagine it should be?

According to studies conducted by the National Plan for Fertility (PNF) presented by the Ministry of Health in May 2016, in Italy 1 out of five couples have difficulty with getting pregnant for causes related to both the male and female.

What are the causes of infertility?

Among the major causes of infertility, in addition to specific pathologies, the Ministry of Health highlights the abuse of smoke, alcohol, drugs, doping substances, food disorders and environmental pollution.

The Ministry is well aware of the concept of prevention, but relegates it to the early diagnosis of infertility with clinical test control. Medical tests are surely indispensable but not prevention.

According to Ayurveda, Life Style is the key element for getting pregnant and having healthy and strong children. This was written almost 2,000 years ago in the texts Ayurvediya Prasutitantra Evam Striroga and Kashyapa-Samhita.


The Ayurvedic approach

Ayurveda indicates the two future parents to:

Be healthy, that is, to have the 3 Energy fields Vata (Air), Pitta (Fire), Kapha (Water) that make up the human being, in balance.

One can ascertain whether one is “in shape” before the problem of infertility appears, by a ‘ listening of the pulse’ by a good Ayurvedic physician, already at the moment when the desire to become a parent is born, since Ayurveda has the culture of fertility education.

In Italy, there are several Italian Ayurvedic practitioners able to understand the couple’s problems and to give Ayurvedic counselling for your clinical situation.

Some practical advice

If you already understand that you are not in balance you should start implementing some lifestyle variations, following these 5 tips:

1 – Healthy eating.

Ayurveda is the basis of health. Begin to limit some types of food:

  • acidic foods such as meat
  • preserved foods
  • tomato
  • foods that obstruct the “channels”, meaning the “empty spaces” like tubes, uterus, sperm channels. Foods to avoid are cheeses, yoghurts, exotic fruits (eaten in our continental climate)
  • foods that increase Air such as an excessive consumption of raw salads, chili peppers, frozen foods and the lack of use of herbs and spices.

Also, you should eat seated and calmly, chewing well, staying in a quiet place, without answering the phone or watching TV.

2 – Get proper rest

Every night you should sleep around 6 to 8 hours, go to sleep early (around 22.00) to allow the vital organs to recover energy used during the day. This way you would respect the circadian rhythms embodied in you. Sleeping eight hours starting from 2.00am, for example, does not allow you to recover the energies of the vital organs. You have to accept that we have been “engineered” with this “engine” and cannot change it.

3 – Limit stress

Today’s life is a continuous frenzy. Everything has become urgent, priority. Because of the immense potential that technology has provided you feel obliged to perform several jobs at the same time. You can do this for a limited period, but if you continue to run “on your top” you consume your vital energy disproportionately, depleting even reserve ones, creating an ideal environment for having health problems such as infertility. .

4 – Alcohol Abuse

A glass to toast, a glass of wine or a small liqueur after meals are acceptable. If you are young and you get drunk every weekend or every day as has become a social habit since long, you strain the liver and this prevents you from a healthy completion of your growth, compromising the organs of the genital system. For Ayurveda, a person completes his/her growth at the age of 25 years and reaches at this age the maximum of procreation capacity.

5 – Eliminate smoking and drugs.

Smoking and the use of drugs create a strong unbalance of Pitta (Fire), an energy field that regulates different tissues of your body including liver, pancreas, thyroid and the proper production of all your hormones including sexual ones.


The importance of prevention

Real prevention according to Ayurveda is therefore to avoid the onset of the problem, because when the problem appears it is already late and serious.

Its resolution results in a significant burden on social, health and emotional costs for those involved.

In the public opinion, as the PNF document expresses really well “a true culture of fertility, unfortunately misses, both with the public and in a certain group of doctors, as well as in mass communication processes; a culture that promotes a moment of reproductive awareness and in the best biological conditions possible “.