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Why is it important to alkalize your body?

Some recent scientific research confirms what Ayurveda has sustained for thousands of years: maintaining a condition of alkalinity in most organs and apparatus, which is the natural condition of our body’s health and mind, is of paramount importance in preventing major diseases including cancer, diabetes, inflammatory diseases.

In fact, according to Ayurveda, true prevention occurs if there is an inhospitable environment for the onset of inflammation, microbial growth, hormonal or energetic blocks generated by the presence of acidic toxins, thus maintaining the Pitta ( Fire) Dosha in balance.

Alkalinity is the opposite of acidity. To define if a substance is acid or alkaline, one measures the concentration of H+ hydrogen ions in the substance itself. If a tissue or organ presents a pH (acronym for the concentration of H + ions) lower than 7 it is acid, if greater than 7 it is basic, also called alkaline. For example, our healthy skin has a slightly acidic pH of 5.5 in the pH range running from 0 to 14 of which the value 7 corresponds to neutrality.

In clinical analyses, acidity is only tested in urine, the body fluid that can give you some idea of what’s going on in your body. In reality, the most important point of reference for pH would be the blood, but that is not tested. In the past, doctors knew very well that acidity favoured diseases, but the official science has never taken it into consideration, if not with these latest researches.

What are the preventive ways to keep our body alkaline?

There are several natural remedies to promote alkalinity:

1 – The easiest and most effective, according to Ayurveda, is Boiled Water.

You can prepare it by boiling tap water for 15 minutes. In this way you:

  • Evaporate the chlorine contained in the water, derived from the process of making improved drinking water and other gasses naturally contained in the water. Chlorine is harmful to our body;
  • the boiling movement energizes the water;
  • the limestone, possibly present, sinks down on the bottom of the pan, while dust and other float;
  • water acquires an alkaline pH,
  • Boiling water assimilating the heat favours Agni (Digestive Fire) and becomes stimulant to the metabolism acquiring slimming and purifying properties.

You can filter it with a light cloth or with 3 or 4 overlapped gauzes irregularly, putting it in a thermos and drinking it hot during the day.

This water has the power to purify you, to remove the excess of acidity from your body. You should drink 1 litre every day. Important to remember: Never heat boiled water as it energizes negatively and becomes unhealthy.

2 – you can take Ayurvedic food supplements that rebalance Pitta Dosha like Tejas Virya® tablets or Mala Shodana Virya® powder;

3 – in your diet limit foods that favour acid production (H +) such as sugars, especially sucrose (common white sugar), meat, preserved and industrial foods.

4 – favour legumes, vegetables, fruits, oilseeds in your diet