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Hair loss is the normal physiological replacement of hair. For the ones with thick hair, one can easily loose up to 100 hairs a day and this is normal. The cycle of growth, hair loss and regrowth is repeated about 20 times in a life-time, in women a cycle can last up to 6 years.

If your hair does not satisfy you because your hair has a tendency to excessive fall, you need a specific solution and luckily Ayurveda comes to the aid.

Ayurveda’s vision on hair:

Following its physiological principles, the scalp is intimately linked to the liver, a secondary but very important home of Pitta (Fire) Dosha, one of the three Energetic Fields that make up the human being.

What does it mean?

The more we are stressed and / or eat too much ‘industrial’ foods, the more our liver is no longer able to perform its functions properly and releases an important part of the ‘toxins’ in the scalp instead of in the bile. These ‘toxins’ limit the nourishment and hydration of the hair bulb, weakening it until causing the hair to dry.

How to improve in 4 practical moves

  1. eat calmly, chew food well, sitting in a silent and pleasant environment;
  2. Choose simple and easy to digest foods such as vegetable soups, unrefined cereals, vegetable proteins;
  3. Limit heat-consuming foods such as chocolate, molluscs, crustaceans, sea fish, ripe cheeses;
  4. Stop the smoking of cigarettes which, according to Ayurveda, increases the ‘heat’ of the body and reduces the digestive power, especially that of the stomach and liver.

How to speed up the improvement?

To purify the scalp and prevent hair loss, I recommend some natural Ayurvedic products:

  • Jathara Virya® purifies the liver. Jathara comes in tablets made up of a rich blend of plants that favour all the natural functions of the liver;
  • Virechan Virya® is a ready-made decoction that eliminates the ‘toxins’, the acidity and heat from the intestine;
  •  Vilayanam Virya® is a Blood Purifier. It favours oxygenation, nourishment and hydration of the hair bulb.