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Every day most of us act in a contradictory way, chasing the physical and mental shape, but having  a sedentary lifestyle, eating whatever is available quickly, resting very little and getting “crazy” by too many commitments taken. This is the perfect lifestyle to accumulate cellulite.

When “orange peel” imperfection, water retention and swelling all over the body are present, Ayurveda refers to an alteration of the element Air (Vata Dosha), which is headquartered in the colon, and to the metabolic capacity (Agni = digestive fire). The poorly assimilated food creates toxins that are deposited in the “empty” spaces that are located in the body. One of these is the subcutaneous fatty tissue.

Following the teachings of Ayurveda, in these cases we first of all suggest adhering strictly to the biological clock, that is, sleep at night and, study or work during the day; only eat at meal times with the necessary calm and seated, and especially implement the correct food combinations. We may suggest to eat hot and easy to digest food, which are flavoured and spiced (Churna® Kitchen product line), with the exclusion of chilli that irritates the gastric mucosa and thereby adversely affects our digestive capacity. Foods such as salads, which leaves are rich with air (Vata Dosha), contribute to increasing the swelling, while yoghurt may be an element of closure of the “channels” in which liquids flow, as its characteristics are “cold”, “dryness” and” heaviness “

To facilitate the removal of air from the abdomen we suggest taking the tablets Gam Virya®, which help to rebalance the colonic mucuos membranes and the tablets Kancha Virya®, which tend to eliminate fibrosis and tissue sclerosis. To drain the toxins (AMA) from the body, stimulating a proper liver function, we suggest drinking the herbal tea Pavana®.

This food diet must be accompanied by physical activity, which does not mean going to the gym, but walking for at least an hour a day in the open and / or do breathing exercises to oxygenate the body’s tissues.

For external use on the areas concerned, we suggest to oil the areas with Ashu Virya® and to use compresses with the herb powder Unnah Virya® that reactivate surface circulation of the liquids, giving the skin brightness and tone. Hot baths, foot baths and hand baths with Unnah Virya® are very pleasant to enjoy as they help to reactivate the microcirculation and joint movements. If you prepare a batter with Unnah Virya® you can apply masks, for example on the neck and décolleté, obtaining a toning of the tissue.