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cistite1Cystitis is an inflammation of the urinary tract, particularly the bladder. It is among the most common infectious diseases. It mainly affects women and statistics state that 25% of women between 20 and 40 years have suffered from cystitis at least once.

Bacteria, fungus, viruses, may be the causes of cystitis, but also constipation, some contraceptive methods, poor hygiene, stress and even special body conditions such as pregnancy and menopause. Moreover, we should not forget bad habits such as not listening to the physiological stimulus and retain urine for a long time, the use of synthetic fiber underwear, which does not transpire and refresh the genitals, or wear very tight pants that do not allow for proper blood circulation in the pelvic area. Finally drinking little or drinking only nervine beverages or alcohol irritates the urinary tract and lets the kidneys suffer.

Ayurveda suggests to take care of the daily diet favouring refreshing foods such as barley, white rice, corn polenta, yellow squash, red beets, chicory, cucumber, zucchini, melons, watermelons, grapes, avoiding heating foods instead such as saltwater fish, shellfish, pork, salami and sausages, fried foods, cheese, chilli, chocolate or alcoholic beverages. For Ayurveda, in fact, an excessive build up of heat (Pitta Dosha) means that people who suffer from the conditions described above, become particularly sensitive because the body tries to eliminate the excess heat (Pitta Dosha ) through natural routes, such as the urinary tract. In combination with proper nutrition Ayurveda involves the use of refreshing, disinfectant plants, that are rebalancing for the nephron (the constituent unit of the kidney) to soothe the burning sensation and discomfort, such as the powder Mala Shodana®, which has the properties of reducing inflammation and decongesting the pelvic part and Meha® tablets which increase urine flow. Finally we suggest to purify yourself by drinking the purifying herbal tea Pavana® or Shotha Virya® (draining properties).