Virya Shop

Virya Shop

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circolazione-gambeAncient Ayurvedic texts speak of circulation at large; we have to remember that 3000 years ago there was no detailed knowledge of how arteries, veins, capillaries, and the heart were structured, but they exactly knew the direction and the way of the blood and all body fluids.

Of the three Energy Fields (Dosha) that make up the human being, according to Ayurveda the Vata (Air) dosha dominates the other two in the Blood Circulation, influencing the movement (direction and orientation) of the circulation. Vata Dosha has the feature of coldness and dryness while Pitta (Fire) Dosha gives warmth to the blood and Kapha (Water) Dosha acts on its fluidity. Therefore, to promote our physical and mental well-being we need to make sure that the flows of our energy network, including that of the blood, are in balance.

To achieve that goal following the guidelines of Ayurveda, on topo of recommending a harmonious lifestyle, a healthy diet, we advise the use of Ayurvedic preparations composed of a careful and wisely selected bouquet of plants, such as the tablets Vyana Virya® that return the natural elasticity of the arterial vascular system, by facilitating exchanges of microcirculation. We advise this as means of prevention or in the presence of imbalances, especially for people who perform sedentary activities or are always standing. We also offer the ready–to-use decoction Pinasa Virya® that facilitates peripheral venous circulation, facilitating the elimination of accumulated “toxins” and the natural absorption of peripheral oedema; the tablets Amavata Virya® favour the cleaning and the opening of the “channels” of circulation in a natural way. This product acts on the correct movement and dissemination of various forms of life energy facilitating the exchange of energy nutrition and oxygenation of all tissues.