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frutta italianaReading the articles about well-being and a healthy diet, it seems that eating fruit could solve many problems including obesity, cellulites, cardio vascular function, bowel cancer, stomach cancer, etc. The list is actually very long. Although there is no doubt about the benefits of the nutrients in fruits, the consumption of fruit must be valued by our ability to digest it however and to assimilate all its beneficial sources.

Ayurveda brings a number of characteristics of fruit to light such as the predominance of the factor Air (Vata Dosha), the sour taste that leads to the further increase of Vata, the sweet taste that associates Vata with the increase of the Water element (Kapha Dosha). None of these features are capable of stimulating good digestion. This is why fruit can be difficult to digest for many people. So even while eating fruit, the body may not be able to assimilate most of its properties. In this regard Ayurveda suggests eating fruit in between meals and / or to avoid associating it with any other food like milk and bread. It is also important not to mix sour fruits with the sweet ones (eg. orange with banana) to avoid creating a set of properties that can be toxic to the body (produce Ama = toxins).

To assimilate most of the vitamins and minerals that fruits contain at best, it is therefore advisable to facilitate your digestive capacity with herbs and spices. Fruit Virya® Masala is our specially created mixture, which has the ability to stimulate digestion (Agni-Fire Digestive) in addition to enhancing the flavour of the fruit, without irritating the gastric mucosa. The mixture is able to eliminate abdominal bloating and the cold sensation that we can sometimes have after eating an apple, a pear, apricot or melon. Fruit Masala Virya® can be used directly on fresh fruit and in fruit smoothies or during cooking.