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bimbogiocoIn recent years food intolerances have increased significantly, in particular in children.

The changes in lifestyle and diet are ever more distant from the rhythm of our biological clock and have a strong influence on the development of this hypersensitivity. According to Ayurveda an example of the bad habits acquired, is to wean the infant on the basis of the months of life, without looking at how many and which teeth he’s cutting. Teeth are an important element of growth to consider, because they indicate if it is time for weaning or not. It is important and relevant to observe the season of the year, as one should never wean in summer, because the heat would create more difficulty for the child to digest the new food, causing an imbalance of the intestinal flora that is forming.

In Ayurveda it is vital to respect these parameters to have a good food digestion from the start and that can last for a lifetime. If the individual wouldn’t succeed to extract all the nutritional components from its food and to eliminate “waste”, even though eating biological food in correct combinations, with the passing of the years food intolerances would manifest themselves anyhow, because he would have generated a weak Agni (digestive fire) according to Ayurveda.

Thus, it makes sense for those who are subject to these intolerances and to prevent them, to help digestion using different herbs and spices during the cooking of food, except for chilli pepper. On the market there exist finished mixtures such as: Trikatu Virya®, Appeto Virya®, Fruit Masala Virya®. For Ayurveda the partially digested food accumulates in the free spaces of the body blocking the channels (the gastrointestinal tract, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, etc.). This accumulation of “toxins” is the basis of food intolerances.

If cooking food with spices is not enough to eliminate the problems, at the same time formulations as Grahah Virya® and Gam Virya® can be used to restore the intestinal flora. To remove the toxins we suggest the tablets Hara Virya® and the decoction Virechan Virya®.