Virya Shop

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It is everyone’s dream to have a toned, supple and radiant skin. There are moments in our lives where “pimples” and “boils” reign. Habits like smoking, drinking a lot of alcohol and overeating at the table have a negative effect on the skin functions. In fact toxins are formed that are deposited in the various layers of the epidermis, which are not drained from the blood. Thus these are eliminated from the body through skin rashes.

Environmental factors may also be causes of stress. The spring, for example, is an intermediate season that demands an effort from our body to adapt to the hot season. In Ayurveda these phenomena can create an imbalance of energies that affect the correct functioning of our body, causing blockage of sebaceous secretion and inflammation of the skin tissue. In fact Ayurveda highlights how stress in general favours the increase of the heat throughout the body (Pitta Dosha) and in particular in the blood and liver. Often in young people, this phenomenon is accentuated, because they are subject to the stress of the body that is turning into the adult. Stress arising from the external environment and the lifestyles are then added to this “effort to grow“.

In all these cases we recommend to balance our body by detoxifying the blood with Vilayanam Virya®, cleaning the small intestine, headquarter of Pitta, with Rikhiya Virya® and by decongesting the skin by applying Tapaka Virya®.

A correct diet, accompanied by a balancing action, helps to resolve the problem of acne in less time. Some foods, in fact, although they are not the cause of acne, can generate an excess of body heat (Pitta Dosha) or block the energy channels favouring the onset of acne. The heating foods to avoid are: chocolate, coffee, alcohol, sea fish, shell fish, crustaceans, algae and aged cheeses; while foods that clog the channels are: yoghurt, bananas and fresh cheeses.