Virya Shop

Virya Shop

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A pink bow pink or blue ribbon hung on the front door of the house. It’s a new baby! The baby’s commitment is to grow: eat, sleep and discover the world little by little. The new mother is all taken by the newcomer and the changes that her body is undergoing. The after effect of after-childbirth, breastfeeding, and a new balance to be found with her baby: first grown in the womb, now growing among its loving but sometimes uncertain arms. The closest connection that mother and son have is the time of breastfeeding. The baby perceives the smell of the mother, the softness of her skin, the sound of her voice and the intense and wamr flavour of the breast milk.

As the weeks go by the baby grows bigger and flourishes, while the mother is beginning to be more and more tired and drained. Therefore, even before you lose strength and to maintain a good production of adequate quantity and quality of milk, we advise to take Shatavari Virya®, Chayavanaprasa Virya® and Tulsi Virya®.

Also important is a proper diet which includes: carbohydrates especially rice, oats, buckwheat, millet; proteins of both animal and vegetable origin, limiting cheeses and excluding yoghurt, which clog all types of channels according to Ayurveda, including those of the mammary gland. We advise drinking warm milk, boiled with Milk Masala Virya®, in case there are difficulties of digestibility. The best is eating seasonal vegetables, cooked with herbs and spices. The foods to be avoided are raw salads, which spoil the milk with an excess of Vata (air) and tomato that make the milk more acidic, uploading Pitta (Fire). These alterations create colic in the newborn.