Virya Shop

Virya Shop

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caldo_torridoIn Ayurveda boiling weather may be the cause of imbalances in the energy fields Pitta (Fire) and Vata (Air). The first is headquartered in the duodenum and small intestine, the second in the large intestine. Their imbalance is a cause of bloating, abdominal cramps and diarrhoea.

Diarrhoea is a physiological reaction that the intestine implements to remove the excess heat, acidity, and fermentation in the bowel. A way of “naturally” regulating this is via your diet. That is why we recommend eating pearl barley, white rice, chicory cooking water, pomegranate juice, even better the decoction of pomegranate peels. If the diet is not enough, we offer the refreshing and rebalancing powder for the intestine Mala Sodhana Virya® and the tablets Rikhiya Virya®, which have an antioxidant action. We also recommend to drink beverages at room temperature or hot, but never cold.The herbal teas Pitta Samya Virya® and Shanti Samya Virya® are preferable to citrus juices, pear juices and so on, because fruit juices ferment in the intestine and favour diarrhoea.