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artrosi_cervicaleHave you sometimes suffered from cervical arthrosis? What happened when you spoke of the cervical pain to your family or friends or at work?
You will have discovered that everyone is familiar with the problem!
You were probably overwhelmed with advice deriving from their direct experience or from a relative’s experience!
So cervical arthrosis is a very common disorder! It’s clear that you are not the only one to suffer, as it is a common problem among the young and old.

How can you ease the pain and this disorder in a natural way with Ayurveda?

It must be remembered that Ayurveda, the great science of life, for millennia has indicated cervical arthrosis as an alteration of Vata (Air) and Pitta (Fire) Dosha in a Kapha (Water) Dosha seat: the neck. For Ayurveda the Doshas are the energy fields that make up the human being and, in case of cervical arthrosis all three Doshas involved are altered! In addition, there is also the presence of AMA, “toxins”, derived from poor digestion, which increases the pain of the inflamed intervertebral discs of the cervical (back of the neck and neck). This combination results in a stiff and sore neck, aching shoulders and back, and sometimes headaches!

Therefore, Ayurveda recommends:

  1. to adapt correct postures, especially when you have a desk job and are glued to a computer that forces you to assume unnatural postures;
  2. to open the “channels” closed by AMA, blocking the mobility of the neck by using Ayurveda products like Amavata Virya® tablets;
  3. to reduce the inflammation of the joints with Boswellia Virya®;
  4. to remove the stiffness of the neck, shoulders and back with a massage using Ayurveda Nirmalavayu Virya® oil.

For Ayurveda it is also important to take care of your eating habits, by introducing bitter vegetables into your diet such as leek, barley, digestive teas and AMA thinners such as Kapha Samya Virya® and to exclude foods such as cheese, yogurt, raw salads, tomato.