Virya Shop

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prugno1Spring has arrived, the sky is clearer, the trees bloom and form clouds of white and pink flowers in the background of the tender green grass. It is the awakening of nature and it is also the awakening of our body after the winter, or better purification time.

Following the principles of Ayurveda, we advise you to make full use of this moment of renewal, influenced by the energy fields of Vata Dosha (air) and the Kapha Dosha (Water) to cleans your body and maintain your well-being. You will therefore need to exploit the natural “dissolution” of your toxins / mucus (AMA), mainly derived from food that you have partially digested during the winter and locked in all the “blank spaces”, called “channels” of your body. As for the snow melting in the heat of the sun and forming ever larger streams, so the toxins must find the “channels” to be eliminated from our body. We recommend favouring and accelerating the purification by drinking herbal teas that are purifying for the liver like Pavana Virya® and to open the channels with Ayurvedic products such as the tablets Hara Virya® and the decoction Nirjala Virya®, which fluidifies the mucus.

Furthermore, in the transition between seasons the digestion it is not always optimal. To stimulate and facilitate digestion and to avoid excessive accumulation of toxins it is good to learn to use herbs and spices (Churna® Kitchen ready mixtures) during the cooking of food. In fact, according to Ayurveda, the bonds that are formed during the cooking of spices and nutrients found in food, make the food more bio-available, which means that it is easier to digest and therefore does not generate new toxins. Also, if you learn to eat vegetables and fruits of the season, you will find that they have actions that the body requires in that particular season. For example, spring requires cleansing of the liver: the artichokes have a cleansing effect as well as young dandelion leaves; asparagus and cress are diuretics and tone the urinary tract; the bitter vegetables like chicory open up the “channels”; Nettle has a purifying action, regenerating the blood and is a general tonic for the whole body.